Togliattiazot Start The Repairs Of Its Ammonia Production Unit

On September 25, TogliattiAzot began scheduled repair work on the unit at ammonia production No. 5. The work will include adjustments, repairs and replacement of equipment, which will improve energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of production. In parallel with the repairs, an industrial safety examination was planned.
Within a month, it’s planned to review regenerators, waste heat boilers and heat exchangers of the unit. To increase the degree of gas purification from oxide included in the low-temperature converter, a new catalyst will be installed.
Among the most significant works are repair of the air compressor and anti-corrosion treatment of the flare unit. Dynamic equipment and shut-off and control valves are also inspected and repaired.
Another important stage of the repair campaign is landscaping: restoration of foundations, blind areas and technical areas.

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