Togliattiazot filed a claim for over $49 million against Ameropa AG and its former CEO

The Togliattiazot company (part of Uralchem) filed a claim to the Commercial Court of the Samara region to recover damages in the amount of 3.8 billion rubles (approximately $49 million) from the Swiss Ameropa AG and the former CEO of the corporation Vyacheslav Suslov.
As follows from the case files, Ameropa AG is based in Switzerland. Details of the claim are not disclosed. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for September 5, 2023.
Vyacheslav Suslov was the CEO of Togliattiazot company until 2019. After leaving the office, he remained a member of the company’s management team and retained a seat on the board of directors.
Ameropa AG was involved in the Togliattiazot fraud case filed in 2012.

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