PhosAgro started the supplies of ApaSil to customers

Apatit (part of PhosAgro) produced and shipped the first eight tons of the new ApaSil product.
ApaSil is an adaptogen with a high content of biologically active silicon. It stimulates the growth of plants, increases their natural immunity, and helps to reveal the biological potential of plants even in severe stress conditions.
Apatit produces 57 brands of mineral fertilizers with the ratio of nutrients necessary for agricultural crops and microadditives – calcium, magnesium, boron, and zinc. But for sustainable growth and development, plants need other elements, including silicon. The manufacturer has mastered its own technology for the production of adaptogen ApaSil. The patented product will become the company’s contribution to the Russian strategy of import substitution in the domestic market of agricultural products.
“PhosAgro is the leader in terms of total volumes and range of marketable products, including mineral fertilizers and feed additives. Now the product line of the company will expand due to the drug with unique properties that are in demand among agricultural enterprises. This is extremely important for ensuring food security by increasing soil fertility in conditions of their intensive use in Russia and the world,” said Alexander Gilgenberg, General Director of Apatit.
ApaSil is based on silica gel containing biologically active silicon. Silicon is one of the main nutrients involved in the most important processes of photosynthesis and metabolic processes. Its important difference is the ability to accelerate the development of plants and form their resistance to stress to various external and biogenic factors, such as phytopathogens. It gives agricultural products special properties that cannot be achieved by other means, for example, the vitreousness of durum wheat. The new adaptogen will be supplied to consumers in 5 kg buckets with the PhosAgro label.
The farms of Tatarstan, Siberia and the Central Chernozem region have already shown interest in the new product. Marketing researches confirm that the demand for silicon fertilizers will only grow. In the future, the company plans to master the production of a mineral fertilizer containing silicon, as well as an ameliorant and feed additive.

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