A new greenhouse complex will open in the Sakhalin region

Next year, a new greenhouse complex with an area of 6.9 hectares is planned to be launched in the Sakhalin region. The investor is the Teplichniy state farm, which intends to invest 1 billion rubles (over $16.5 million) in its construction. Earlier, in 2016, the company became a resident of the Yuzhnaya priority development area.
According to the statement of the Minister of Agriculture and Trade of the Sakhalin region, Inna Pavlenko, the region’s authorities provide extensive support to greenhouse vegetable growing. Due to it, local agricultural enterprises have the opportunity to develop rapidly and create greenhouse complexes.
“Construction of greenhouse complexes in the Far East will help to completely stop importing vegetables from China, while expanding the demand for water-soluble fertilizers,” commented the information and analytical service of Fertilizer Daily.
Source: iz.ru

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