Togliattiazot repaired one of its carbamide units

Togliattiazot (Samara region) completed the overhaul of carbamide unit No.1. It has already reached its designed capacity.
The overhaul affected almost all units of the plant, particularly, the enterprise modernized the field control equipment, repaired the synthesis unit and carbamide condenser unit, revised the process equipment, and replaced the heat exchange unit. The conducted overhaul of the carbon dioxide compressor will ensure the stability and uninterrupted operation of the production. Besides, Togliattiazot carried out an overhaul of the dynamic flow-transport equipment, which will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the conveyor lines transporting finished products from the granulation tower to the carbamide shipment unit. The company also replaced components of the steam boiler and re-equipped the air exchange systems following the current requirements of the legislation on industrial safety.
“During the modernization of carbamide workshop No.1, the Togliattiazot’s specialists have done a significant amount of the work, which will ensure the efficiency and, what is more important, the safety of technological processes and improve working conditions. The introduction of additional security systems makes it possible to exclude the human factor and the associated risks,” said Sergei Shishov, the interim CEO of Togliattiazot.
The overhaul of carbamide unit No.1 was carried out within the strategic program for the modernization of capacities, which has been implementing since 2012. It included the full-scale work to update the units for the production of ammonia and carbamide, both isothermal ammonia storages, and the plant pipelines, and the treatment facilities are being modernized. Total investments within the framework of the program currently exceeded 55 billion rubles (approximately $754.2 million).
Togliattiazot is also conducting the construction of carbamide unit No.3 with a capacity of 2.2 thousand tons per day. Its commissioning is scheduled for late 2021 — early 2022.

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