Mineral fertilizers in Russia continue to rise in price

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia held a meeting where discussed the provision of farmers with mineral fertilizers and the dynamics of prices for them.
On the eve of the spring sowing campaign, the issue of the availability of mineral fertilizers for agricultural producers is one of the priorities. The application of mineral fertilizers will improve the condition of winter crops that suffered from unfavorable weather in 2020 and will have a significant impact on the harvest of this year.
As the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia Dzhambulat Khatuov noted, the current situation with the rise in prices for mineral fertilizers is being worked out at all levels of government. All appeals received by the Ministry of Agriculture are sent for consideration to the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.
Due to the joint work, the situation has already stabilized in the regions of the Southern and Central Federal Districts. At the same time, the issue of rising prices is still relevant in the regions of the Northwestern and Far Eastern Federal Districts.
Farmers have accumulated 1.4 million tons of mineral fertilizers, which is 245 thousand tons more compared to the same date last year. This volume is 45% of the total demand for 2021.
Besides, the meeting participants discussed the work on the returning of unused arable land into circulation. As of January 1, 2021, its area in Russia is 19.4 million hectares. Last year, 1.11 million hectares were put into circulation, which is 0.04 million hectares more than in 2019.
In general, by 2025, it’s planned to enter into circulation about 5.3 million hectares. The estimated increase in yield due to the introduction of unused arable land into circulation amounts to 6.9 million tons for grain and 1.4 million tons for oilseeds.

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