Large thefts of agrochemicals committed in the Altai region

The press-service of the Ministry for Home Affairs reports that two thefts of mineral fertilizers and crop protection agents in the Altai region have been uncovered.
One of the thefts was committed by a 42-year-old resident of the region. At night, the thief broke the garage’s lock, which belongs to an agricultural enterprise, and stole a truck with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers.
As the police reports, the suspect sold the car to a nearby village. The damage amounted to 282 thousand rubles (approximately $3.6 thousand). To avoid suspicion after committing the theft, the man moved to another city.
The next theft the man committed together with his friend. The thieves stole from the enterprise 100 canisters of herbicides, which they took out in their own car and sold in a neighboring village. The damage amounted to almost 800 thousand rubles (approx. $10 thousand).
The total amount of damage caused to agricultural enterprises is more than a million rubles (approx. $12.8 thousand).

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