Altai region completes sowing works

Altai region has completed the bulk of sowing works, said Alexander Chebotaev, Minister of Agriculture of the region.
Yet the situation with a lack of moisture had to be constantly monitored. Spot rainfalls that occurred since the beginning of June hadn’t improved the situation. The Central climatic zone of the Altai region had become one more territory with a lack of moisture.
Farmers of the region also actively apply the crop protection products and have already treated more than 1 million hectares with herbicides and about 200 thousand hectares with products against pests and diseases. Areas have been also treated against locusts as initially planned.
“This year, the forage campaign started 10 days earlier than in previous years. The work involves 21 districts. They have already prepared 0.7 centners of the fodder unit per one head (last year’s level). Due to the feed difficulties that the weather caused, we are exploring the possibility of supporting farmers breeding farm animals,” said the Minister.

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